
Instagram is one of the most wanted social media accounts, but there are instances when it becomes necessary to delete your Account. In this article am going to show you how to delete your Instagram Account. Regardless of your device (iPhone or Android), the steps for deleting an Instagram account are the same.

Preparing to Delete Your Instagram Account

Before deleting your Instagram account, getting yourself and your data ready for account deletion is essential. Take the following steps to ensure a un regrettable exit from Instagram:

Backup your Data

The first thing to do before deleting your Instagram account is to back up your necessary photos, videos, and vital conversations. You can do that by downloading your Instagram data, which includes your profile information, posts, messages and more.  

Considerations Before Deleting

Have this at the back of your mind before deleting your Instagram account. If you delete your Instagram account, you cannot get it back. It will be gone for good. Have a rethink. Do you genuinely want to delete your Account completely? Or, Instead of completely deleting your Account, have you considered taking a break by temporarily deactivating your Instagram account?

How to Download Your Instagram Data

Even if you're no more interested in an Instagram account, it will make sense to download your videos, photos and other valuable data before deleting your Account. Your data can be downloaded through the Instagram app. 

 To Download your data through the Instagram app, follow the following steps.

Step 1. In the Instagram app, navigate to your profile by clicking on your picture in the bottom right.


Step 2. Click on the three lines at the top right


Step 3. Click on your activity

 Step 4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Download Your Information


Step 5. Click on Request a Download. It will take you to the next page, where you will select between a Complete copy or select types of information you want to download. You will then enter the Email address where your data will be delivered.



How to Delete Instagram Account

 Instagram accounts cannot be deleted through an Android application. To begin with your Instagram account deletion, you have to log in to your Account from a web browser on your mobile phone or PC. The following are the steps involved in Instagram account deletion:

Step 1. Login to your Account from a web browser. Then go to your profile by clicking on your picture in the bottom right.

Step 2: Tap on the rounded Icon on the top right. It will take you to the settings and privacy page.

Step 3: Click See More in the Accounts Center; next, tap on Personal details.

Step 4: Click on Account Ownership and Control, then click on Deactivation or deletion

Step 5: Select the Account you want to be deleted permanently.

Step 6: select delete the Account, then scroll down and tap Continue.

Step 7: Enter your password and tap on continue.

The Account will be deleted permanently after 30 days of the deletion request.

 Consequences of Deleting an Instagram Account

Deleting your Instagram account has a few significant consequences to consider:

Loss of All Data and Content

Deleting your Instagram account will equally delete all your photos, videos, followers, likes and comments. Make sure that you back up all data before deleting your Account.

Impact on Connected Accounts and Services

It will equally affect all the services and accounts that link to the deleted Account. Consider the importance of all the apps or websites linked to your Instagram profile before deleting your Account.

 Alternatives to Deleting Your Instagram Account

If you're not ready to part ways with Instagram permanently, there are alternatives to consider:

Temporarily Disabling Your Account

Instagram offers the option to temporarily deactivate your Account, allowing you to take a break without permanently deleting everything. That can be useful if you need clarification on a permanent decision.

 Changing Privacy Setting 

Another soft alternative to deleting your Instagram account is changing or adjusting your Privacy Settings or suit your need. You can control who can see or view your posts and interact with you on Instagram. In such doing, you can still enjoy the platform while maintaining privacy.

Controlling Notifications

 You can equally stop unnecessary notifications if you are overwhelmed with notifications. Modify your notification settings to fit your preferences. Only allow notifications from matters that are most to you.


Deleting your Instagram account may be a tough decision, but with the proper guidance, it is as easy as ABCD. You can quickly delete your Instagram account by following the steps outlined in this article. If you are not ready for Permanent exit, consider the alternatives listed above. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to reactivate a deleted Instagram account?

No. But it can be reactivated within 30 days of your deletion request. 

If I delete my Instagram account, will my Facebook account be deleted?

No. Deleting Your Instagram account will not delete your Facebook account will not be deleted.

Can I delete an Instagram account from the mobile app?

No, It cannot be deleted from Andriod's phone. But it can be deleted from iPhone.

How long does it take to delete an Instagram account permanently?

After requesting an Instagram account deletion, it takes 30 days to be deleted.

AFTER DELETION, can I create a new Instagram account using the same email address?

You can create a new Instagram account using the email address after deletion.


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